Last night, Daniel was coming home late, and I was sitting in front of my computer watching TV shows, making a fleece jacket for Goose (my little dog). About 11:00, he called to tell me he was coming home, and 30 minutes later, he called to tell me to look outside. It was beautiful. Snow will always be magical to me. I've lived in Texas my entire life, so it's quite rare to actually see snow. I just sat on the couch and watched the snow fall for 20 minutes. Breathtaking.
It's been so icy and bitterly cold all week. People are beginning to get cabin fever; not me. I like how simple snow/tons of ice makes life. You cannot go anywhere. It is a gift. It forces you to say no to obligations and to rest. Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful snow.
Until this afternoon, I hadn't stepped outside since Monday. Daniel and I went to the store to pick up some food, and so I could see the snow. There were about 30 people on the hill next to our neighborhood sledding down it. It made me smile. on our street, some one tied an old couch to the truck and went... couch-ing... in the snow. People, young and old, were all outside playing together in the white. It was sunny, and the day itself seemed so happy.
I am currently at my brother-in-law's house. On the way here we passed a lake/huge pond, and it was covered in snow and ice! I realize, when it's been in the low 20s for a whole week that is to be expected, but I've never seen this before. I've never been out of Texas in the Winter, and therefore, never seen a frozen body of water in person. It was so pretty. It just made me so happy.
Daniel and I had a snowball fight today. He hit me right in the forehead, haha. We let the dogs out in the front yard to play with us, then Marley bee-lined it for the little kids. He loves kids.
It's been such a good day!
71. Snowflakes on my eyelashes.
72. Feeling like a child, playing in the snow with my husband.
73. Slipping on ice, and thick, cushy coat to soften my fall.
74. Seeing a lake, completely frozen for the first time in my life... it was beautiful.
75. Husband coming home early and building a fire with me.
76. Eating good hot dogs watching our favorite show.
77. Marley, playing in the snow with the neighbor kids.
78. Sweet children saying "hi" at the grocery store.
79. Seeing many of my neighbors sledding down the big hill next to our neighborhood.
80. My man who is willing to get out in the cold to help push strangers' cars off of the ice.
81. The way snow seems to make everything more beautiful, and life simple.
82. Being snowed in for a whole week. No obligations. No busyness.
83. Tiny Goose's snow "beard" from playing in the snow with Marley.
84. Embroidering something special while snuggled under a blanket.
85. God's gift of nature's beauty... He is far too good to us.
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