Monday, August 22, 2011

The Kitchen

Today, I conquer my kitchen. I have so many things, although useful, I don't really NEED them. I have an entire set of knives that I really don't use. I use the scissors and the bread knife... that's it. I don't really need 2 sets of measuring cups and 4 sets of measuring spoons, do I? I have to dig through the "stuff drawer" just to find one set. I know that getting rid of all of these things will help me to be disciplined in cleaning them immediately because I don't have back ups for when those are dirty. The clutter is really stressing me out and it's time to kick it to the curb. Cheers to stress free cooking experience and a much cleaner kitchen!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Weekend Alone

I spent the first half of my weekend with my family, husband excluded, which was nice. Now begins the lonely part, which I am pretty excited about. I kicked it off by finishing up the organizing of the office I began on Monday. I even cleaned out the cedar chest and learned that it was full of absolutely nothing that I want to keep except for the manual for my Singer and my old horse's halter. Yeah, two things in a chest that is 19" x 46". So ridiculous. It's a pretty cedar chest, but it REEKS of moth balls. Who puts moth balls in a cedar chest?! I guess they really hate moths. I've got a bit of baking soda and sprinkled some coffee grounds in the bottom. If that fails, I suppose I will actually have to air it out in the sun for a day.

I'm listening to Christmas music while I clean... it's really nice. I think I'm going to stay home from church tomorrow. I need this alone time. I need to regain some focus. It will be nice to have an extended period of alone time with God in the morning, and then to hit the house hard and heavy to have it super nice before my love comes home from Oklahoma. Heck, I may actually cook dinner.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

So, to add to the craziness of a new job, a full fledged attack on our lack of organization, and learning to be a regular gym goer... I bought a juicer. That's right, the girl who has passionately hated veggies her entire life bought a juicer and will be consuming nothing but fresh produce in juice form for 30 days. I've lost my mind, and I think I'm going to like the way this turns out. I'm inspired and sick of feeling sick. Hurray for detoxing!

I'll let you know how it goes. I think the juicer will be here about Friday.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Baby Steps to A Simple Life

My new job is going awesomely! Some days are a little chaotic, and the disorganization of the business makes me want to scream. It's really bad, and I don't know how they have functioned as a company. Most of the mess is caused from simple laziness by former employees; it could have been avoided. Some of the original organizational systems could have been better, but it seems like they got buried under poor organization and now it's all I can do to try to dig them back out again. Much less, get our organization back on track.

All of the messes and crisis at work have taught me something about myself. I have it within me to be a master of organization. I'm very good at it! I've been too lazy to keep up with my own messes at home, and now I'm realizing how much time, money, and peace of mind I've lost by letting it get away from me. I've had it!

How much time could I have invested in my husband, family, and friends if I wasn't trying to find our home under the piles of clutter... or even taking me time to find peace of mind in the midst of all the stress I've created for myself? If my home was organized, I managed my time and money well, and didn't become a slave to my possessions, how much joy could I get out of life?

I bought a book titled Organized Simplicity by Tsh Oxenreider. It's wonderful! I'm halfway through it already, and I only started reading it last night. I'm so excited to implement her ideas. You can visit her blog for some downloadable forms to help with home management. I've also been creating a budget and a grocery inventory on Excel for us to follow. Today, I discovered Google Calendar! I've been looking for a free online calendar that I could print off when I needed it rather than carrying around a bulky day planner.

My weekend project is cleaning out the file cabinet and filing the things I've let pile up. My hope is to have a garage sale and use the proceeds to refurnish our office. It's a mismatched mess right now, and I'd love to have a single desk where both of us could sit side by side with our computers.

I'm building a home management notebook to help keep our schedules, finances, and home life organized so that we can live intentionally and simply, saving time for the things that truly matter.

I will keep you posted on my adventure in turning our life upside down.